Other Help & Support

We are here to help you, but there is also a wide range of other organisations that can help as well. These pages give information on some of the resources available.

In crisis? – please see our Urgent Help page.

Useful Websites

Gateshead Evolve – If you have significant difficulties with alcohol or recreational drugs please call: 0191 594 7821 or visit: www.changegrowlive.org

Tyneside Mindwww.tynesidemind.org.uk

Gateshead Carerswww.gatesheadcarers.com

Moving Forwardwww.movingforward-northeast.co.uk

Pathways Advocacy (Gateshead) – www.mentalhealthmatters.com/service/pathways-advocacy-gateshead

Meet Upwww.meetup.com

Tyneside Women’s Healthwww.tynesidewomenshealth.org.uk

Fulfilling Liveswww.fulfillinglives-ng.org.uk

Age UK – www.ageuk.org.uk

Mental Health Foundation – www.mentalhealth.org.uk

Time to Changewww.time-to-change.org.uk


Mental Health Matterswww.mentalhealthmatters.com


Citizens Advice Bureauwww.citizensadvice.org.uk

Creative Supportwww.creativesupport.co.uk

National Debt Linewww.nationaldebtline.org

National Careers Servicewww.nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk

Changing Liveswww.changing-lives.org.uk

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